C'mon Man!!!!!
I'll be the first to tell you that sometimes I dress like a 15 year old kid at a skate park. But that doesn't take away from the fact that I LOVE ME SOME FASHION! I'm proud that I know how to pronounce Yves Saint Laurent and Ermenegildo Zegna. I can appreciate a bespoke suit or a good sweater and tie combo. I know what your thinking. No I am not. O.k. Keep reading, I"m about to learn you something. Weekend after weekend in the City of Chicago I see several fashion trends/statements that need to end NOW!! Some of my friends and family are in on these epic fails and I'm not trying to call you out. You've just been sucked into believing that it's OK to go out like this or maybe you just don't care in which case, GOOD FOR YOU, but here are some things that I'm OK with never seeing again. Board Shorts? C'MON MAN!!! Dammit you're wearing swim trunks in public. We're not at the beach, this isn't SoCal, and your not Kelly Slater. Put s...